The Superpower of Asking for Help

“I don’t know about you, but I’m a doer. I don’t like asking for help and don’t expect others to do my work. I strive to problem-solve and prove to myself that I can figure everything out on my own. And of course, I always say yes to other people when they need help. I over-commit by saying “yes” to every opportunity. I avoid boredom at all costs and because of this I am… exhausted.”

Can anyone else relate?

When I try to do everything I am preventing myself from giving tasks my full attention. I do things to get them done and as a result, I don’t always feel confident in the outcome. I know if I made a task my priority I would be able to get it done and be proud. Since working at AMK I’ve learned to let go of the reins to do my best in areas of my life that are important to me.

I feel so much more comfortable asking questions, getting advice, and receiving help! Through working somewhere that supports me as a growing professional and having great role models that I work with, I have learned so much about myself and others. Asking questions has been important to my time management when I have tasks to get done. I can work more efficiently and can create something that exceeds expectations. It isn’t always the amount of tasks I can get done in a day that helps me feel accomplished with my day’s work, instead, it is the outcome of projects that I have focused on and prioritized that help me value the work I get done in the day.

I can’t do everything.

I’m much more satisfied with my productivity when I can focus on my strengths to accomplish my “to-do list”. Asking for clarity from others has also helped me so much. When I know what they are envisioning it gives me direction. When I am asked to make some adjustments it doesn’t feel bad, it just feels like they are getting what they envisioned. If I were to spend more time on the same task because I didn’t ask questions it is more probable that I spent more time creating something that did not align with the vision my supervisor had. Then when they request changes it feels like I have to completely change direction. And I don’t feel accomplished with my work.

This has been such an important lesson since I have never worked as part of a team before. Even in workplaces that claimed to be a team, it never felt that way, until I started working at AMK.

I had my home cleaned by AMK, and it made an impact on my life.

I never minded cleaning my house, but when there is so much to do and my cleaning becomes less of a priority in my own life I would feel stressed. Feeling like I was falling short in my life when I would come home and have two weeks of laundry to catch up on, floors to vacuum, and surfaces to clean. I felt like I could relax and focus on finding things to do with my newfound free time!

It was peaceful and rewarding, I never expected a cleaning service to change my life in the way that it did.

Life is more fulfilling now that I have set down the weight of never-ending tasks.

I can focus on what is most important to me. I have a clear mind to help and relate with others. Giving and receiving support has been such an improvement in my quality of life.

I no longer dread asking for help.

It has become empowering to focus less on myself and more on what I can do for others with a clear mind. I invest my time and talents where I want to and save my energy and time for the people and passions I love most. I am grateful for the support I have received, and how I have grown over the past 8-months while building a marketing role with AMK. My powers only grow in my personal life and job because I learned the value of asking for help.

If you’re looking to shed some things from your to-do list, reach out to us for cleaning services. I promise it’s worth it!

Morgan Williams
Marketing Manager
AMK Cleaning Services

Ashley Kosharek

About Us

About our home cleaning company in Altoona, WI

AMK Cleaning is a successful business with the most amazing team of individuals. Ashley’s priority is to be more than just an employer to her team, and that’s exactly what she’s done. In a dog-eat-dog world, she genuinely cares for others and their well-being. To Ashley, it isn’t just about a job; it’s a family at AMK.

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